The National Electronic Health Record (NEHR) is a key enabler for Singapore’s strategic vision of "One Patient, One Health Record". It receives patients’ key health information from different healthcare settings and consolidates into a holistic picture of patients’ healthcare history, enabling greater coordination and informed decision-making, and support for more accurate diagnosis, improved treatment, and patient-centric integrated care.

With "One Patient, One Health Record", care teams would be able to deliver safer, better and more personalised care for patients.

Connects healthcare professionals for care continuity

Achieves better health outcomes 

Raises patient safety

Enhances patient experience with seamless care


NEHR at a glance

It is common to visit multiple healthcare providers in our lifetime - from General Practitioner clinics, polyclinics, specialists, therapy centres to hospitals. As a result, each of these providers will have some parts of our medical history. 

To provide optimal care for patients, we need seamless contribution of data to the NEHR that will allow for the sharing of holistic records across providers.  
The NEHR serves as a repository for key health information from various healthcare institutions, consolidating them into a holistic health record. Data contribution is done seamlessly via system-to-system integration. Public healthcare institutions have been contributing data to the NEHR since 2011, while private healthcare institutions are progressively doing so.  

Individuals who have received care in Singapore’s public healthcare clusters since February 2011 will have a record in the NEHR, accessible only to authorised healthcare providers.  
The NEHR provides a consolidated longitudinal view of patient’s key health information. This includes allergies and adverse drug reactions, admission and visit history, discharge summaries, clinical and radiological laboratory results, history of past procedures, medication and immunisation, amongst others. In a medical emergency, access to the NEHR for key health information could save lives. 

Patients will also be able to access selected health information through HealthHub. 
Future Outlook 
The NEHR will further enrich data and enhance data sharing between public and private healthcare providers to support Healthier SG and other national initiatives.  

Frequently asked questions


About NEHR

  • What is the National Electronic Health Record (NEHR)?
    The National Electronic Health Record (NEHR) is a key enabler of Singapore’s strategic vision for “One Patient, One Health Record” where patients move seamlessly across the national healthcare network, receiving coordinated patient-centric care at the most appropriate settings. It provides secure access to a patient’s summary health record by authorised clinicians and healthcare professionals to:

    • Enable greater coordination and informed decision-making,
    • Support more accurate diagnosis, better treatment, and patient-centric integrated care.

    NEHR is a repository that manages patient’s summary health record centrally by storing clinically relevant information from their encounters with clinicians and healthcare professionals across the national healthcare network throughout their life.

    The goal of the NEHR is for patients to enjoy hassle-free healthcare delivery, higher quality of care, fewer duplicate or unnecessary tests and/ or referrals, reduced medical errors and adverse drug events.

    To ensure security and confidentiality of patient data while the best care is provided, the NEHR enforces measures to authenticate, authorise and audit healthcare institutions and users' access to patient’s health record. 
  • What information is shared through the NEHR?
    The NEHR receives and consolidates key health summary (not doctor's notes) from various healthcare institutions and national registries into a holistic health record. It includes information such as:

    • Patient demographics
    • Admission and visit history
    • Discharge summaries
    • Laboratory test results
    • Radiology results
    • Medication history
    • History of surgeries or procedures
    • Allergies and adverse drug reactions
  • Which healthcare institutions have access to the information in the NEHR?
    All public healthcare institutions (restructured hospitals, polyclinics, and speciality centres), some private healthcare institutions (e.g. GPs), community hospitals, nursing homes and government agencies that have requested to participate in the NEHR and were authorised by MOH are able to access to the information in the NEHR. You can find the list of healthcare institutions participating in the NEHR here.
  • Who owns the information in the NEHR?
    The NEHR is owned by the Ministry of Health of Singapore and managed by Synapxe, Singapore's HealthTech Agency.
  • Is the NEHR applicable to patients who are non-Singapore Citizens or non-Permanent Residents?
    Presently, anyone regardless of residency or citizenship status, will have a record in NEHR if he/she has seen an authorised healthcare professional in an institution which contributes data to NEHR.
  • How can I be sure information in NEHR system is accurate?
    The NEHR is a central repository which draws information from various contributing source systems and organises them in a summarised form which authorised clinicians and healthcare professionals can access.

    There is a set of data requirements for contribution to the NEHR. With the backend system to system integration of the source IT systems to the NEHR, the data transmitted to the NEHR would be the same data entered into the system at source.

    Any correction or updating of data would need to be done at contributing source. Data on the NEHR system is date-time stamped so it would be clear when the information was last updated.

    While the NEHR serves as an excellent resource for healthcare professionals to support them in patient care, the patient needs to play their part by providing additional information, such as if they are consuming other medication bought from pharmacies or if they sought medical treatment overseas or if treatment was performed by sources not contributing to NEHR.


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